Undergraduate Instructor – Principles and Techniques of Data Science

Undergraduate course, University of California, Berkeley, 2023

My role primarily revolves around reinforcing students’ understanding and application of key data science concepts, including pandas, scikit-learn, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), logistic regression, multiple linear regression, and clustering. More information can be found at the official course website.

Tutoring and Instructional Support

I regularly conduct tutoring sessions that focus on practical and theoretical aspects of data manipulation and analysis using pandas, a critical library in Python for data science. These sessions are tailored to help students grasp complex data structures and operations essential for real-world data analysis.

Grading and Assessment

My responsibilities include grading assignments and projects where students apply various machine learning algorithms. This involves assessing their proficiency in scikit-learn for implementing models like logistic regression and multiple linear regression, ensuring they understand these models’ intricacies and applications.

Office Hours and Personalized Guidance

I hold office hours to provide additional support, particularly in advanced topics like PCA and clustering algorithms. During these sessions, I focus on clarifying students’ doubts, offering insights into the practical implementation of these techniques, and guiding them through the nuances of model selection and data interpretation.